Tattoo Aftercare

  • Leave bandage on for an hour, no more than 4 hours (unless otherwise instructed by your artist).

  • Remove bandage with warm water (if necessary).

  • Run warm water over tattooed area to loosen ointment.

  • Lather with antibacterial soap, wash in small circles, do not scrub, then rinse in cold water.

  • Allow tattoo to air dry and apply a thin layer of Aquaphor to tattooed area. There should be no excess ointment left on the skin.

  • Repeat process 3-4 times a day for 3 days.

  • After 3 days, switch to fragrance-free lotion such as Lubriderm or Curel.

  • Tattoo may be itchy and flaky. DO NOT scratch. DO NOT soak in bath, swim in salt, fresh, or chlorinated water.

  • DO NOT expose to direct sunlight for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, use SPF 40 if exposed to sunlight.